Philodendron Albovirescens – A Rare Philodendron Plant

Philodendron albovirescens is a beautiful Philodendron species that is native to Ecuador. It has large dark green, heart-shaped leaves, and they grow on long stems that can reach up to 3 feet in length. This Philodendron is perfect for adding a touch of elegance to any room!

What Does Philodendron albovirescens Look Like?

Philodendron albovirescens is a species of Philodendron native to the tropical rainforests of Ecuador. It is a vine-like Philodendron, meaning it uses other plants or structures to climb. The leaves are glossy and dark green, with white veins running throughout. The stems are brown to green.

This plant can grow up to 20 feet in length in its natural habitat. It is an epiphytic plant, meaning it grows on other plants or tree trunks.

Philodendron albovirescens Features

Drought Tolerance

It is a drought-tolerant Philodendron. If you do not water it often, it will go into a dormant state until you water it again.

Cold Tolerance

This plant can tolerate cold temperatures down to about 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Shade Tolerance

This plant prefers to grow in shaded areas but can tolerate some direct sunlight.

Air Purification

It is a great plant for air purification. It removes toxins from the air, such as formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene.


This plant is toxic to both people and pets. All parts of the plant are poisonous, so it is important to keep this Philodendron away from children and animals. In an extreme reaction, its foliage can cause difficulty breathing, vomiting, and even death.

Maintenance Requirements

It is a low maintenance Philodendron. It only needs to be watered once a week and can tolerate a wide range of temperatures.


This plant does not undergo a true dormancy period, but it will slow down its growth significantly during the winter months. If your plant is dormant, do not water it.

Growth Zone

This plant is native to Ecuador, where it grows in tropical rainforests. It can be grown outdoors in USDA zones 11 and 12. It can also be grown indoors in areas with temperate climates.

How Do I Care for Philodendron albovirescens?

SoilEqual parts perlite, peat moss, and coco coir.
WateringOnce the top inch of the soil is dry.
Temperature65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit
FertilizerMonthly during the growing season.

Philodendron albovirescens is a relatively easy plant to care for. It prefers to be in a well-lit spot, but can also tolerate low light conditions. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering this plant. This plant can be fertilized monthly during the growing season.

Soil Requirements

This plant needs well-draining soil. You can use a store-bought potting mix, or make your own by mixing equal parts perlite, peat moss, and coco coir. This plant also benefits from being grown in an airy environment.


As with most Philodendron species, this plant prefers to have its soil slightly on the dry side. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering this plant. It is susceptible to root rot, so it is important to not overwater this plant.


This plant prefers high humidity but can tolerate lower levels. If the air in your home is dry, you can increase the humidity around this plant by grouping it with other plants, running a humidifier, or placing it on a pebble tray.


Philodendron albovirescens prefers warm temperatures, between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature in your home is cooler than this, you can place this plant near a heat source, such as a radiator or space heater.

Fertilizing Requirements

This Philodendron benefits from being fertilized monthly during the growing season. You can use a water-soluble fertilizer or a slow-release fertilizer. Be sure to follow the directions on the fertilizer package so you do not overfertilize your plant.

Follow these steps to fertilize your plant:

  • Remove the top inch of soil from your plant pot
  • Add the recommended amount of fertilizer to the soil
  • Mix the fertilizer with the soil
  • Replace the top inch of soil over the fertilized area


This plant does not require much pruning. You can trim away any dead or dying leaves, and cut back any vines that are getting too long. It can be propagated by stem cuttings.

Appropriate Pot Size and Type

It can be grown in a wide variety of pot sizes and types. It prefers to have its roots slightly restricted, so a pot that is too large may lead to root rot. A plastic or terracotta pot with drainage holes is ideal for this plant.

How to Repot Philodendron albovirescens?

There are some signs that show this plant needs to be repotted:

  • The plant is growing too large for its pot
  • The roots are coming out of the drainage holes
  • There is no room for new growth

If you see any of these signs, it’s time to repot your Philodendron albovirescens.

This plant should be repotted every two to three years. When repotting this plant, be sure to use a well-draining potting mix and a pot that is only slightly larger than the current one. Follow these steps to repot this plant:

  1. Water the plant thoroughly the day before repotting
  2. Gently remove the plant from its current pot
  3. Tease the roots to loosen them up
  4. Place the plant in its new pot
  5. Fill in around the plant with potting mix
  6. Water it well to settle the roots.

Philodendron albovirescens Propagation

This plant can be propagated by stem cuttings. This plant can also be propagated by division, but this is a less common method.

Propagation by Stem Cuttings

To propagate this plant by stem cuttings, follow these steps:

  1. Cut a stem that is at least six inches long
  2. Remove the bottom leaves from the stem
  3. Dip the cut end of the stem in rooting hormone
  4. Place the stem in a pot of well-draining potting mix
  5. Water the soil well
  6. Keep the soil moist, but not wet, and place this plant in a warm location with indirect light.

Propagation by Division

To propagate this plant by division, follow these steps:

  1. Carefully remove the plant from its current pot
  2. Divide the roots into two or three sections
  3. Repot each section in its own pot, using a well-draining potting mix
  4. Water the soil well.

Water Propagation

This plant can also be propagated by water propagation. To do this, take a cutting of the plant and place it in a glass or jar of water. Change the water every other day, and keep the soil moist but not wet. After a few weeks, new roots will form and you can transplant the plant into the soil.

Common Issues

Root rot and leaf drop are two common issues with this plant.

Root Rot

It is a common issue with Philodendron albovirescens. This disease is caused by overwatering, and it can be fatal to this plant. Signs of root rot include wilting leaves, yellow leaves, and mushy or black roots. If you think your plant has root rot, you can try to save it by carefully removing it from its pot and replanting it in a well-draining potting mix.

Leaf Drop

Leaf drop is another common issue with this plant. This can be caused by low humidity, drafts, or fluctuating temperatures. If you notice that your plant is losing leaves, try to increase the humidity around it by placing it on a pebble tray or using a humidifier. You should also make sure that the plant is not in a drafty location, and that the temperature around it is consistent.

Pests and Diseases

This plant is susceptible to mealybugs, aphids, and spider mites.


Mealybugs are small, white pests that feed on Philodendron albovirescens. These bugs can cause to lose leaves and produce sticky honeydew. If you think your plant has mealybugs, you can try to control them with insecticidal soap or neem oil.


Aphids are a common pest of this plant. They can be removed with a strong stream of water or by using insecticidal soap.

Spider mites

Spider mites are also a common pest of this plant. They can be removed with a strong stream of water or by using a pesticide.

Fungal diseases

Like Philodendron alternans, fungal diseases can be a problem for this Philodendron, but can be treated with a fungicide.

It is important to keep this plant healthy by watering it properly and fertilizing it regularly. If pests or diseases are detected, they should be treated immediately to prevent further damage.

Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that can affect this plant. This disease causes a white powder to form on the leaves of the plant. Powdery mildew can be treated with a fungicide.

Botrytis Blight

Botrytis blight is a fungal disease that can cause the plant to develop brown spots on the leaves. It can be easily treated with a fungicide.

Tips for Growing Philodendron albovirescens

Here are some tips for growing this plant indoors:

  1. It prefers indirect light but can tolerate low light conditions.
  2. Water the plant when the soil is dry.
  3. Fertilize this plant monthly during the growing season.
  4. Repot this plant every two to three years.

Tips for Growing Philodendron albovirescens Outdoors

  1. This plant can be grown outdoors in a shaded area.
  2. Water it outdoors when the soil is dry.
  3. Fertilize it outdoors every month during the growing season.
  4. If you notice any problems with the plant, such as leaf drop or mealybugs, be sure to act quickly to resolve the issue.

Philodendron albovirescens FAQs

Why is my Philodendron albovirescens drooping?

Philodendron albovirescens may be drooping because it needs more water. Make sure the pot has drainage holes so excess water can escape and don’t overwater your plant. Also, make sure your plant gets plenty of sunlight. In general, philodendrons prefer bright, indirect light.

Why are my Philodendron albovirescens leaves turning yellow?

Philodendron albovirescens’ leaves may be turning yellow because of a mineral deficiency. Check the soil to see if it is lacking in any particular minerals, and then add fertilizers that contain the missing minerals to the soil. Also, make sure that you are watering your plant properly, as improper watering can also lead to yellow leaves.

Is Philodendron albovirescens a rare plant?

Philodendron albovirescens is not a rare plant. It is native to Central America and parts of South America, and it is commonly found in rainforests and other tropical environments.


Overall, Philodendron albovirescens is a great plant for anyone looking for something unique. It’s definitely not your average houseplant! With its beautiful leaves and cascading growth habit, it’s sure to make a statement in any home. So if you’re looking for something different, be sure to check out Philodendron albovirescens! You won’t be disappointed.

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