Philodendron Grandipes – (Care, Features, and Propagation)

The Philodendron Grandipes is a hardy and easy to care for plant that can thrive in a variety of different environments. With its large, deep green leaves, this plant makes an attractive addition to any home or office. Best of all, it is low maintenance and requires very little attention to keep it looking its best. So if you’re looking for a beautiful and easy-to-maintain houseplant, this philodendron is definitely worth considering!

Philodendron Grandipes Appearance

It is a large, fast-growing philodendron. The leaves of this plant are dark green and glossy, and they can grow up to 20-50cm long! The stems of this plant are thick and sturdy, making this plant perfect for anyone who wants a statement piece in their home. It is definitely a plant that will turn heads!

Where to Buy Philodendron Grandipes?

It is a popular plant, so it should be easy to find at your local nursery or garden center. You can also purchase this plant online from a variety of retailers. When purchasing this plant, make sure to choose a healthy plant that has leaves that are free of brown spots or other damage. It is also important to choose a plant that is the right size for your space. It can grow quite large, so make sure you have enough room for this plant to reach its full potential!

Philodendron Grandipes Flowers

In addition to its large size, it is also known for its beautiful flowers. The flowers of this plant are white and they have a sweet fragrance that can fill a room. It is an evergreen plant, meaning that it will keep its leaves year-round.

Other Features

Drought Tolerance

One of the most impressive things about this plant is its drought tolerance. This plant can withstand periods of dryness and it will still thrive. This makes it an ideal plant for anyone who lives in a climate that is prone to drought.

Air Purification

In addition to being drought tolerant, it is also known for its ability to purify the air. This plant can remove harmful toxins from the air, making it a great choice for anyone who wants to improve the quality of their indoor air.


It is a low-maintenance plant, but there are a few things you can do to help it reach its full potential. To learn its care needs, scroll to the next section.


It is considered to be a toxic plant, making it unsafe for pets and children. This plant can cause skin irritation, so be sure to wash your hands after handling it. If you have any concerns, consult a medical professional. Engulfing any part of this plant can cause stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.


It is an evergreen plant, meaning that it will keep its leaves year-round. However, this plant may go through a period of dormancy during the winter months. During this time, the leaves of this plant will turn brown and fall off. This is normal and there is no need to worry. The plant will bounce back in the spring!

Philodendron Grandipes Care

Philodendron Grandipes care involves regular watering and fertilizing, as well as pruning to keep this plant looking its best. This plant is also known for its ability to tolerate periods of drought, making it a great choice for anyone who lives in a climate that is prone to dryness. It is an easy-to-care-for plant that can add a touch of the tropics to any home!

Quick Guide

SoilMoist soil
LightBright, indirect light
WaterWater regularly
HumidityHigh humidity
TemperaturePrefers to be in warm conditions
FertilizerEvery month during the growing season
PruningPrune it regularly to keep it looking its best
RepottingEvery two years

Soil Requirements

It prefers to be in moist soil. This plant does not like to be in dry conditions, so make sure to water it regularly. It also likes to be in high humidity, so misting this plant will also help it thrive.


It prefers bright, indirect light. This plant does not like to be in direct sunlight, as it can cause the leaves to scorch. If you live in a climate that is prone to cold winters, it can also tolerate low light conditions.

Fertilizer Requirements

It should be fertilized every month during the growing season. This plant does not need a lot of fertilizer, so be sure to use a light hand when applying it.


It should be pruned regularly to keep it looking its best. This plant can tolerate heavy pruning, so don’t be afraid to cut it back if necessary.


It prefers to be in moist soil, so make sure to water it regularly. This plant does not like to be in dry conditions, so make sure to check the soil before watering.

Temperature Requirements

It prefers to be in warm conditions. This plant can tolerate a wide range of temperatures, but it does not like to be in cold conditions. If you live in a climate that is prone to cold winters, this plant can also tolerate low light conditions.


It should be repotted every two years. This plant does not need a lot of space, so a small pot will suffice. Be sure to use well-draining soil when repotting this plant.

Tips for Caring for Philodendron Grandipes Indoors

  • This plant prefers to be in warm conditions, so make sure to keep it in a bright, sunny location.
  • This plant also prefers to be in moist soil, so make sure to water it regularly.
  • It does not like to be in dry conditions, so make sure to check the soil before watering.
  • If you live in a climate that is prone to cold winters, it can also tolerate low light conditions.

How to Repot Philodendron Grandipes?

Philodendron Grandipes should be repotted every two years. This plant does not need a lot of space, so a small pot will suffice. Be sure to use well-draining soil when repotting this plant.

To repot your plant, follow these steps:

  1. Carefully remove the plant from its current pot.
  2. Place the plant in the new pot and fill it with well-draining soil.
  3. Water the plant thoroughly and place it in a warm, bright location.

Philodendron Grandipes Propagation

Philodendron grandipes can be propagated by division or by seed.

Propagation by Division

To propagate this plant by division, follow these steps:

  1. Carefully remove the plant from its current pot.
  2. Use a sharp knife to divide the roots into two sections.
  3. Repot each section in its own pot filled with well-draining soil.
  4. Water the plants thoroughly and place them in a warm, bright location.

Propagation by Seeds

To propagate your plant by seeds, follow these steps:

  1. Sow the seeds in well-draining soil.
  2. Water the seeds thoroughly and place them in a warm, bright location.
  3. Once the seedlings have sprouted, thin them out so that each plant has its own pot.
  4. Water the plants thoroughly and place them in a warm, bright location.

Common Problems and Their Solutions

Yellow Leaves

If the leaves of your plant start to turn yellow, it is a sign that it is overwatering. Check the soil before watering and make sure the soil is dry before watering.

Dropping Leaves

If the leaves of your plant start to drop off, it is a sign that it is either overwatering or underwatering. Check the soil before watering and make sure the soil is moist but not wet before watering.

Brown Spots

If brown spots start to appear on the leaves, it is a sign that the plant is getting too much direct sunlight. Move the plant to a location with indirect light.

Preventing Problems

The best way to prevent problems with this plant is to provide it with the proper care. This plant prefers to be in moist soil, so make sure to water it regularly. This plant also prefers to be in warm conditions, so make sure to keep it in a warm location. Lastly, it should be repotted every two years to ensure that it doesn’t become pot-bound.

Pests and Diseases

Just like Philodendron Jerry Horne, it is a very tough plant and it is resistant to most pests and diseases. However, this plant can be susceptible to mealybugs and aphids. If you see these pests on your plant, be sure to remove them immediately. Pests and diseases are not a common problem with this plant, but it’s always important to be on the lookout for them. Prevention from pest attack is always better than cure.

You can prevent pests and diseases by doing the following:

  • Inspect your plant regularly for pests and diseases.
  • Remove any pests or diseases that you see immediately.
  • Do not over water the plant as this can lead to root rot.
  • Repot the plant every two years to ensure that it doesn’t become pot bound.

Philodendron Grandipes FAQs

Is Philodendron Grandipes a rare plant?

Yes, it is a rare plant. And it’s considered critically endangered due to habitat loss. It’s a fast-growing plant, but it’s also very delicate, making it difficult to cultivate in the home garden. If you’re lucky enough to find one for sale, be prepared to pay a hefty price tag.

Why the leaves of my Philodendron Grandipes plant are turning yellow?

Philodendron Grandipes needs bright, indirect sunlight. If it doesn’t get enough light, the leaves will start to turn yellow and eventually die. So make sure your plant is in a spot where it can get at least several hours of bright, indirect sunlight each day.

How often should Philodendron Grandipes be repotted?

It should be repotted every 1-2 years, or as needed when the plant becomes pot bound. Use a well-draining potting mix and a pot with drainage holes to prevent root rot. Be sure to wear gloves when handling this plant, as the sap can cause skin irritation.


So, there you have it! Everything you need to know about Philodendron Grandipes care. With a little bit of patience and effort, you can grow a beautiful and healthy plant of your own. Trust us, it’ll be worth it!

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