Philodendron Guide – The Ultimate Tips and Information

Philodendron is a genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae. It is native to the tropical regions of Africa, Asia, and Central and South America. Philodendrons are popular houseplants because they are easy to care for and come in various shapes and sizes. This guide will discuss the different types of plants, their care requirements, and how to propagate them.

Philodendron Plants

Philodendrons are aroid plants that produce flowers that grow on an inflorescence. The genus is one of the largest in the Araceae family, with over 500 species. The plants of this genus are be found in various colors, including green, red, pink, and orange. They are often used as ornamental plants in gardens and as houseplants.

Philodendrons as Houseplants

Philodendrons make excellent houseplants because they are easy to care for and thrive in various environments. They tolerate low light levels and can even survive in fluorescent office lighting.

The plants of this genus are also adaptable to different watering schedules, making them ideal for busy homeowners or those who often forget to water their plants.

When selecting a Philodendron for your home, it is essential to choose a plant appropriate for the size and light conditions of your space.

Philodendrons come in both vining and non-vinous varieties. Vining Philodendrons can grow up to 20 feet in length, so they are best suited for large spaces such as living rooms and offices. Non-vinous plants are smaller and can be placed on a windowsill or tabletop.

Philodendron Care

Philodendrons are generally easy to care for, making them suitable for beginner gardeners or those new to plant ownership. If you are new to plant care, start with a plant that is easy to care for, such as the Philodendron Brasil or Philodendron hederaceum.


Philodendrons like to be in moist but not wet soil. The best way to water is to stick your finger up to the first knuckle in the soil. If the soil is dry at that level, it’s time to water. If the soil is still moist or damp, wait a few days and check again. Philodendrons are susceptible to root rot, so it’s important not to overwater them.

You should use room temperature water when watering Philodendrons. Cold water can shock the plant and cause the leaves to drop.


Philodendrons are native to tropical rainforests, so they prefer bright, indirect light. They will tolerate low light levels but may become leggy or produce fewer leaves. If you grow indoors, place them near a bright window out of direct sunlight. The plants can also be grown outdoors in shady areas.


Philodendrons are light feeders and only need to be fertilized once every two weeks during the growing season. You should use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer such as 20-20-20. Be sure to dilute the fertilizer to half strength before applying it to your Philodendrons.


Philodendrons are generally tolerant of many soil types but prefer well-draining, slightly acidic soils. If your plant looks pale or yellow, it may be a sign of iron deficiency. You can correct this by fertilizing with an iron-rich fertilizer or adding some compost to the soil.

Some ideal potting mix ingredients for Philodendrons are:

  • Sphagnum peat moss
  • Perlite
  • Vermiculite
  • Composted bark

Philodendrons need aerated soils that drain well but hold some moisture.


Philodendrons prefer warm temperatures and will not tolerate frost. If you are growing Philodendrons outdoors, bring them indoors or provide some other form of protection if the temperature is expected to drop below the average value.


Philodendrons prefer humid conditions and will benefit from regular misting. If your home is dry, you can place your plant in a bathroom or kitchen where they will be exposed to more humidity. You can also use a pebble tray or humidifier to increase the moisture in the air around your Philodendrons.


Philodendrons can be pruned at any time of year to remove dead or dying leaves, encourage new growth, or shape the plant. Vining Philodendrons can be pruned to control their size and promote branching. Non-vinous plants can be pruned to remove damaged leaves or shape the plant.

Do Philodendrons Need Repotting? 

Philodendrons will need to be repotted every two to three years as they grow. Be sure to use a pot that is only slightly larger than the current pot. Philodendrons prefer tight-fitting pots that help to support the plant.

If your plant is showing these signs, it may need repotting:

  • The leaves begin to yellow
  • The plant becomes rootbound
  • New growth is stunted

When Should Philodendrons Be Repotted? 

Spring is the best time to repot Philodendrons.

How to Repot Philodendrons?

Philodendrons can be tricky to repot because of their long, trailing stems. It’s best to use a pot with drainage holes. The best pot types are plastic or clay pots.

To repot a Philodendron, follow these steps:

  • Gently remove the plant from its current pot.
  • Inspect the roots and trim away any that are dead or damaged.
  • Place your plant in its new pot and fill with potting mix.
  • Water your plant well and place it in a warm, humid location.

Philodendron Propagation Guide

Philodendrons are beautiful, easy-to-care-for plants that make a great addition to any home. These plants are also very easy to propagate. You should never miss a chance to propagate your Philodendrons when you repot or prune them.

Here are some tips for propagating Philodendrons:

  • Philodendrons can be propagated by seed, but it is more common to propagate them by division.
  • To propagate by seed, sow the seeds in a well-draining potting mix. Keep the soil moist but not wet, and place it in a warm, humid location.

Philodendrons are commonly propagated by stem cuttings or division.

Stem Cuttings Water Propagation

You can take philodendron stem cuttings at any time of year. The best time to take stem cuttings is in the spring or summer when the plant is actively growing.

To take a Philodendron stem cutting, follow these steps:

  1. Cut a stem that is at least six inches long.
  2. Remove the lower leaves from the stem.
  3. Place the stem in a glass of water or moist potting mix.
  4. Keep the cutting in a warm, humid location.
  5. Roots will form in two to four weeks.

Stem Cutting Soil Propagation

You can also propagate philodendron stem cuttings in soil. To propagate the stem cuttings in soil, follow these steps:

  1. Fill a pot with a well-draining potting mix.
  2. Water the potting mix well and allow it to drain.
  3. Cut a stem that is at least six inches long.
  4. Remove the lower leaves from the stem.
  5. Dip the end of the cutting in rooting hormone (optional).
  6. Place the cutting in the potting mix.
  7. Water the Philodendron cutting well.
  8. Place the pot in a warm, humid location.

Philodendron cuttings will root in four to eight weeks.

Division Method

Philodendrons can also be propagated by division. They can be divided when they are repotted or when you prune them.

To propagate Philodendrons by division, follow these steps:

  1. Gently remove the plant from its current pot.
  2. Inspect the roots and trim away any that are dead or damaged.
  3. Carefully divide the Philodendron into two or more sections, ensuring each section has several healthy roots.
  4. Place the divisions in their new pots and fill with potting mix.
  5. Water them well and place them in a warm, humid location.

Air Layering

The air layering method is perfect for Philodendrons that are too big to propagate by stem cuttings or division. Air layering is also a good option if you want to propagate a Philodendron that is not currently growing actively.

To air layer a Philodendron, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a spot on the stem at least six inches long.
  2. Make a small incision in the bark of the stem at the chosen spot.
  3. Insert a toothpick or wire into the incision to keep it open.
  4. Wrap the area around the incision with moist sphagnum moss.
  5. Wrap the entire section in plastic wrap, ensuring the moss stays moist.
  6. Secure the plastic wrap with tape.
  7. Check the air layer in two to four weeks.
  8. When roots have formed, carefully remove the plastic wrap and moss.
  9. Cut the stem below the new roots and pot up in a well-draining potting mix.

How to Protect Philodendrons from Common Problems?

Philodendrons are generally very easy to care for and are not susceptible to many problems. However, there are a few things that can cause the plants to suffer.

Overwatering is the most common Philodendron problem. Philodendrons like to have moist soil, but they will not tolerate soggy conditions. If you think you have overwatered your plant, allow the potting mix to dry out completely before watering again.

Different Philodendron varieties can also be sensitive to drafts and temperature changes. Sudden drafts or temperature changes can cause the plant to wilt or drop leaves. To protect your plants from drafts and temperature changes, make sure it is in a spot out of the way of doors, windows, and vents.

Philodendrons can also be susceptible to mealy bugs, aphids, and spider mites. These pests can cause the plants to lose leaves or stop growing. If you think your plant has pests, isolate it from other plants and treat it with an insecticide according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Tips for Caring for Philodendrons Indoors 

Philodendrons are easy to care for houseplants that thrive indoors. Here are some tips for caring for Philodendrons indoors:

  • Philodendrons prefer bright, indirect light but will tolerate low light conditions.
  • Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between watering. This will also prevent your philodendron from dripping water.
  • They can be fertilized monthly during the growing season with a general-purpose fertilizer.
  • The plants of this genus can be propagated by stem cuttings, division, or air layering.

When you follow these tips, you will be well on your way to having beautiful, healthy plants in your home!

How are Philodendron Plants Different from Other Genera?

The most distinctive feature of Philodendrons is their aerial roots. Philodendron plants have two types of roots: subterranean and aerial. Subterranean roots are the typical, below-ground roots that most plants have. Aerial roots are different in that they grow above ground, often clinging to surfaces like trees or walls. The plants use their aerial roots to help them climb and absorb moisture and nutrients from the air.

Philodendrons are also known for their large, glossy leaves. The leaves of the plants can be various shades of green, red, yellow, or even pink. The shape of the leaves also varies depending on the species. Some Philodendron leaves are heart-shaped, while others are more oval-shaped. The leaves can be as small as a few inches or as large as two feet long!

These classic Philodendron features differentiate them from other plant genera and make them unique.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the right way to water Philodendrons? 

Philodendrons like to dry out in between waterings. Water once the top inch of soil is dry. The plants that are overwatered will have yellow leaves.

What is the best potting mix for Philodendrons? 

Philodendrons do best in a well-draining potting mix. A mixture of peat moss, perlite, and compost works well.

Q: Do Philodendrons prefer warm or cold temperatures? 

Philodendrons prefer warm temperatures and will not tolerate frost. Plants exposed to cold temperatures will have leaves that turn brown and die.

Final Thoughts

Philodendrons are one of the most popular houseplants around, and good reason! They’re easy to care for, beautiful, and can help purify the air in your home. If you’re thinking about getting a Philodendron of your own, check out our Philodendron Guide for everything you need to know about these unique plants. Thanks for reading!

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