Philodendron pink dark lord is a beautiful Philodendron plant that has become very popular in the gardening world. It is easy to care for and has stunning pink leaves. It is a hybrid, which means it is not natural. Some gardeners are wondering if this plant is a good choice for their home garden.
What Does Philodendron Pink Dark Lord Look Like?
Pink Dark Lord Philodendron is a beautiful and exotic variety that is prized for its stunning Pink foliage. It is a compact plant that typically grows to about 2-3 feet in height and width. The Pink leaves of this plant are slightly ruffled and have a hint of Bronze in their coloration.
It prefers warm weather and humid conditions, making it an ideal plant for greenhouse or terrarium cultivation. This plant is tolerant of low light levels, but its foliage will become less Pink in color if it does not receive adequate light.
Philodendron Pink Dark Lord Features
Drought Tolerance
Pink Dark Lord Philodendron is moderately drought tolerant and can go for periods of time without water, but will perform best if given regular watering.
Air Purification
It is a great plant for purifying the air in your home. It releases high levels of oxygen and helps to remove toxins from the air.
Philodendron Pink Dark Lord is a very low-maintenance plant. It can be grown in either full sun or partial shade and does well in both moist and dry soil conditions.
It is poisonous if eaten, so keep this plant away from small children and pets. If you eat this plant, you may experience nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
It does not go into a dormant stage.
Philodendron Pink Dark Lord Care
Philodendron Pink Dark Lord should be kept in a bright, indirect light location. Water when the top inch of soil is dry and be sure to provide good drainage. Fertilize monthly during the growing season. This plant is not tolerant of cold temperatures, so it should be kept indoors or in a sheltered location during the winter months.
With proper care, the Philodendron Pink Dark Lord will thrive and provide beautiful color to any indoor space.
Quick Guide
Soil | Moist, well-drained potting soil |
Light | Bright, indirect light. |
Water | Keep the soil moist but not wet |
Humidity | Humidity levels of 50-70% |
Temperature | Warm temperatures between 65-85 degrees F. |
Fertilizer | Diluted liquid fertilizer every other week. |
Pruning | It does not need to be pruned |
Repotting | Repot this plant every two years. |
Pink Dark Lord Philodendron prefers well-drained soil with a slightly acidic pH. You can either use a commercial potting mix or create your own mix by combining equal parts of peat moss, sand, and compost.
Philodendron Pink Dark Lord requires bright, indirect light. If the plant is placed in too low light, it will become leggy and pale. However, if exposed to too much direct sunlight, the leaves will develop brown spots. The ideal spot for Philodendron Pink Dark Lord is an east- or west-facing window.
If you cannot provide bright, indirect light, you can also grow the plant under artificial grow lights. With the proper care, this plant will thrive.
Philodendron Pink Dark Lord prefers to be kept evenly moist, but not soggy. This means that you should water the plant when the top inch of soil is dry. It is also important to make sure that the plant has good drainage, as too much water can cause the roots to rot. If you are unsure whether the plant needs water, it is always better to err on the side of caution and wait another day or two before watering again.
Dilute liquid fertilizer every other week and apply it to the soil around the base of the plant.
Temperature Requirements
Philodendron Pink Dark Lord is a tropical plant that thrives in warm, humid environments. It prefers temperatures between 60 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature drops below 60 degrees, the leaves will start to turn brown and drop off.
Humidity Requirements
Humidity levels of 50-70% are ideal for this plant. If the humidity is too low, the leaves will become less pink in color.
Repot this plant every two years. It should be transplanted into a pot that is one size larger than the current pot. Use moist, well-drained potting soil.
How to Repot Pink Dark Lord Philodendron
It is a tropical plant that loves to be root-bound. This means you don’t have to repot this plant very often – only every two years or so. When you do repot it, be sure to use moist, well-drained potting soil. You can either use a commercial potting mix or create your own mix by combining equal parts of peat moss, sand, and compost.
For repotting this variety of Philodendron Dark Lord, gently remove the plant from its current pot and loosen the roots with your fingers. Then, transplant the plant into a pot that is one size larger than the current pot. Be sure to keep the soil moist after repotting. It will take a few weeks to get re-established and start growing new leaves.
Pink Dark Lord Philodendron Propagation
It Pink Dark Lord can be propagated by division or stem cuttings.
Division is the easiest way to propagate this plant. Simply divide the rhizomes (the underground stems) with a sharp knife and replant them in moist, well-drained potting soil.
Stem cuttings can also be used to propagate it. Cut a stem from the plant that is at least four inches long and has two or three leaves attached. Remove the leaves from the lower half of the stem and dip it into a rooting hormone powder. Then, place the cutting in moist, well-drained potting soil and cover it with plastic wrap. Keep the soil moist and wait for the cutting to start rooting. It can take anywhere from two weeks to two months to root.
Symptoms of Overwatering or Underwatering
If the plant is overwatered, the leaves will become yellow and wilted. If it is underwatered, the leaves will become brown and crispy.
How to Tell if Pink Dark Lord Philodendron Needs Water
To test whether the plant needs water, simply stick your finger into the soil. If the soil is dry two inches below the surface, then it is time to water it. If the soil is wet, wait a few days before watering.
Common Problems and Their Solutions
- It prefers bright, indirect light. If it does not receive enough light, the leaves will become less pink in color.
- This plant prefers warm temperatures between 65-85 degrees F. If the temperature is too cold, the leaves will become less pink in color.
- Humidity levels of 50-70% are ideal for this plant. If the humidity is too low, the leaves will become less pink in color.
Pests and Diseases
Philodendron Pink Dark Lord is susceptible to mealy bugs, aphids, and scale insects.
- If it is infected with a pest or disease, treat it with a commercial insecticide or fungicide. To treat mealybugs, aphids, and scale insects, use horticultural oil or insecticidal soap.
- It is also susceptible to root rot. If the plant is overwatered, the roots will become waterlogged and will die. To prevent root rot, be sure to water the plant only when the soil is dry two inches below the surface.
Tips for Caring for Philodendron Indoors
- This plant likes to be root-bound, so don’t repot it very often. Only every two years or so would ensure that your plant thrives.
- Use moist, well-drained potting soil.
- It prefers bright, indirect light. If it does not receive enough light, the leaves will become less pink in color.
- This philodendron prefers warm temperatures between 65-85 degrees Farenheight. If the temperature is too cold, the leaves will become less pink in color.
- Humidity levels of 50-70% are ideal for this plant. If the humidity is too low, the leaves will become less pink in color.
- It is susceptible to mealybugs, aphids, and scale insects.
- If the plant is infected with a pest or disease, treat it with a commercial insecticide or fungicide. To treat mealybugs, aphids, and scale insects, use horticultural oil or insecticidal soap.
- This plant likes to be potted in a deep pot. A pot with a diameter of at least eight inches is ideal.
Pink Dark Lord Philodendron FAQs
No, it is a hybrid plant. It is a cross between two different species of plants, P.erubescens and P.scandens.
It was discovered in Brazil in the early 1800s and was named P. erubescens. This species is a vine that has thin, light green leaves with a reddish-purple underside. A few years later, another plant was discovered in the West Indies and was named P. scandens. This species has dark green leaves with a silver underside.
In the 1950s, these two philodendron species were crossed to create this plant.
Philodendron Pink Dark Lord is a beautiful and rare plant that is sure to make a statement in your home. It’s easy to care for, but you will need to provide it with plenty of light. Make sure to keep the soil moist, but not wet.
This plant is a great choice for anyone who is looking for a unique and eye-catching plant.