Philodendron Scherberichii – An Exotic Plant

Philodendron scherberichii is a beautiful and exotic plant that can be found in the tropical rainforests of Central America. This plant is known for its large, heart-shaped leaves that are a deep green color with silver veins running through them. It is a popular choice for indoor plants because it is easy to care for and does not require a lot of sunlight or water.


Philodendron scherberichii is native to Colombia. The plant is characterized by its glossy green leaves and thin, climbing stems. The leaves of this plant are elliptical in shape and have smooth margins. They are arranged in a spiral pattern on the stems and can grow to be up to 12 inches long.

The flowers of the plant are small and white, and they are borne in clusters at the leaf axils. This plant is typically found growing in moist, shady areas. It is commonly used as a landscape plant in tropical regions, and it can also be grown indoors as a houseplant.

Philodendron Scherberichii Other Features

Drought Tolerance

Philodendron scherberichii is a type of plant that is known for its drought-tolerant qualities. This means that it does not require a lot of water to survive and can still thrive even in dry conditions. It has long, slender leaves that are dark green in color and have a glossy sheen. The leaves are also highly efficient in storing water, which helps the plant to survive during periods of drought.

Air Purification

It is an excellent plant for purifying the air in your home. It removes toxins such as formaldehyde from the air and helps to improve the quality of the indoor environment.


It is a low-maintenance plant that does not require a lot of care. It can be grown in a variety of different environments and does well in both indoor and outdoor settings.


It is a safe plant to have in your home. But if ingested, it may cause some stomach upset. Because of its toxicity, it is not recommended to plant it near playgrounds or areas where children play.


It does not go into a dormant stage.

Where Can Philodendron Scherberichii be Grown?

This plant can be grown in a variety of different environments, including tropical and subtropical regions. It is commonly used as a landscape plant in these regions, and it can also be grown indoors as a houseplant.

Philodendron Scherberichii Care

Philodendron scherberichii care includes providing the plant with moderate amounts of water and fertilizer. The plant does well in a variety of different environments and does not require a lot of sunlight or water. It is also a drought-tolerant plant that can withstand short periods of dryness.

Quick Guide

SoilWell-draining soil containing organic matter.
WaterOnce or twice a week in spring and summer; once every 10 days in winter.
FertilizerOnce every month.
LightBright, indirect light.
Temperature60ᵒF to 85ᵒF (16ᵒC – 29ᵒC).
PruningOnce every year.
RepottingEvery two years.


Ideally, this plant prefers acidic soils that are rich in organic matter and nutrients. Soil pH should fall between 5.5 and 6.5 for optimal growth, and it is important to ensure that the soil does not get too dry or too wet at any point during the growing season.


The amount of light that a Philodendron Scherberichii needs can vary depending on the stage of growth. For seedlings and young plants, it is important to provide bright, indirect light in order to encourage strong growth.

However, as the plant matures, it can tolerate lower light levels. In fact, too much direct sunlight can cause the leaves to scorch. When choosing a location for your plant, it is important to keep this in mind and choose a spot that will provide the right amount of light for your plant’s needs.


During the spring and summer months, it requires watering once or twice a week. In winter, the plant only needs to be watered once every ten days. Make sure to avoid overwatering the plant, as this can cause root rot.


Philodendron Scherberichii requires high humidity levels between 60-70% in order to thrive. If the humidity levels are too low, the leaves will begin to turn brown and dry out.

There are several ways to increase the humidity around your Philodendron Scherberichii. One way is to place it on a pebble tray filled with water. You can also mist the plant on a regular basis, or use a humidifier.


Philodendron Scherberichii thrives in warm environments with temperatures that range from 70 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. While this plant can tolerate some fluctuations in temperature, it is important to protect this plant from sudden changes in temperature, as this can cause the leaves to drop. If you are growing this plant indoors, it is important to maintain a consistent temperature and humidity level.


Fertilize the plant once every month with a balanced fertilizer. You should only fertilize it during the growing season, which is from spring to fall.


Prune your plant once a year by removing any dead or damaged leaves. You should use sharp scissors to do this.

Repotting Requirements

It should be repotted every two years using a soil mixture that is high in organic matter. Make sure to water the plant well after repotting.

How to Repot Philodendron Scherberichii?

To repot your plant, you will need a soil mixture that is high in organic matter. The plant does not require a lot of space, so you can use a small pot when repotting it. Make sure to water the plant well after repotting.

Follow these steps to repot your plant:

  1. Remove the plant from its pot by gently pulling it out.
  2. Check the root system and cut away any damaged or dead roots with sharp scissors.
  3. Place the plant in a new pot and fill it with the soil mixture.
  4. Water the plant well after repotting.

Philodendron Scherberichii Propagation

It can be propagated by division or stem cuttings.

How to Propagate this plant by Division?

To propagate it by division, you will need a sharp knife or scissors. Cut the plant into two equal parts and remove the root system from each part. Replant the two parts in separate pots and water them well.

How to Propagate this plant by Stem Cuttings?

Stem cuttings are a popular way to propagate this plant. To do this, you will need a sharp knife or scissors. Cut a stem from the plant and remove the leaves from the lower half of the stem. Dip the cut end of the stem in rooting hormone and place it in a soil mixture that is high in organic matter. Water the soil well and keep it moist until the cutting roots.

Symptoms of Overwatering or Underwatering  


The symptoms include wilting leaves, root rot, and soft stems.


The symptoms include dry soil, brown leaves, and leaf drop.

How to Prevent Overwatering or Underwatering?

To prevent overwatering the plant, make sure to water the plant only when the soil is dry. To prevent underwatering the plant, make sure to water the plant regularly and give it a deep watering once a week.

Common Problems and Their Solutions

Common issues that this plant can experience include leaf drop, wilting leaves, root rot, and soft stems.

How to Fix Leaf Drop?

Leaf drop is a common problem that this plant can experience. To fix this problem, you should provide more light to the plant, increase the humidity levels, or reduce the watering frequency.

How to Fix Wilting Leaves?

Wilting leaves is a common symptom of overwatering this plant. To fix this problem, you should water the plant less frequently and make sure to provide it with plenty of light.

How to Fix Root Rot?

Root rot is a common problem that this plant can experience when it is over watered. To fix this problem, you should water the plant less frequently and make sure to provide it with plenty of light.

How to Fix Soft Stems?

Soft stems is a common problem that this plant can experience when it is over watered. To fix this problem, you should water the plant less frequently and make sure to provide it with plenty of light.

Pests and Diseases

Some of the pests and diseases that can affect your plant and other philodendrons such as Philodendron Deflexum include mealybugs, aphids, spider mites, and root rot.

How to Treat Mealybugs in this plant?

Mealybugs are a common pest that can infest your plant. To treat mealybugs, you should use a miticide or insecticidal soap.

How to Treat Aphids in this plant?

Aphids are a common pest that can infest it. These can be removed by hand or treated with insecticidal soap.

How to Treat Spider Mites in this plant?

Spider mites are a common pest that can infest it. You can get rid of these pests by spraying them with a horticultural oil or insecticidal soap.

To prevent pests and diseases from affecting the plant, you should keep the plant healthy by providing it with plenty of light and water, and using a pesticide if needed.

Tips for Caring for Philodendron Scherberichii Indoors

Follow these tips for caring for this plant indoors:

  • Water the plant regularly and give it a deep watering once a week.
  • Make sure to provide the plant with plenty of light.
  • Avoid overwatering the plant.
  • Watch for pests and diseases, and treat them if they occur.

Philodendron Scherberichii vs Philodendron oxycardium

These are two different types of plants. Philodendron scherberichii is a tropical plant that is indigenous to Ecuador, and Philodendron oxycardium is a tropical plant that is indigenous to Central America.

The former is a tougher plant that can tolerate poor drainage and low light, while Philodendron oxycardium is a more delicate plant that requires high light levels and moist soil.

Philodendron Scherberichii FAQs

Is Philodendron scherberichii a rare plant?

Philodendron scherberichii is not a rare plant, but it is not very common in cultivation. It is usually only available from specialist nurseries.

Why are Philodendron scherberichii leaves turning yellow?

One possibility is that the plant is not getting enough sunlight. Philodendron scherberichii thrive in bright, indirect light, so if the leaves are placed in a too-shady spot, they will start to turn yellow.


Philodendron scherberichii is an interesting plant that can be a great addition to any garden. It is easy to care for and has a unique look that will make it stand out. If you are looking for a new plant to add to your collection, be sure to consider this plant. You won’t regret it!

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