Philodendron Sodiroi vs Mamei (Similarities and Differences)

If you are looking for a plant to add to your collection, you may be confused when it comes to Philodendron sodiroi vs mamei. Both of these Philodendrons are beautiful plants, but they have some key differences. In this article, we will take a closer look at both plants and help you decide which one is the right fit for your green collection!

Philodendron Sodiroi

Originally from Ecuador, Philodendron sodiroi is a tropical plant that can reach heights of up to 3 feet. The leaves are broad and heart-shaped, with a deep green color that is offset by white or yellow veins. The stem is typically a yellow-green color, and the flowers are small and white.

It is a low-maintenance plant that does not require much care. It can be grown in almost any type of soil, and it does not need much sunlight or water to thrive. As a result, it is an ideal plant for beginners or for those who do not have a lot of time to dedicate to gardening. 

Philodendron Mamei

Philodendron mamei is a tropical plant that is native to Brazil. It is a member of the Araceae family, which includes aroids such as Monstera and Epipremnum. The plant has long, glossy leaves that are dark green in color. The stems are stout and climbing, reaching up to 15 feet in length.

The flowers are small and white, growing in clusters. It is an easy plant to care for, and it makes an excellent houseplant. It prefers moist, humid conditions and does not tolerate direct sunlight. When grown indoors, the plant will reach a height of 3-4 feet. With proper care, this plant will bloom reliably every year.

Philodendron Sodiroi and Philodendron Mamei Comparison

Philodendron mamei is very similar in appearance to the Sodiroi. The latter variety typically has larger leaves, with a more elongated shape, and deeper green color. It is also a slower-growing plant than the other variety. The former variety typically has smaller leaves, with a more rounded shape, and a lighter green color. It is also a faster-growing plant.


These plants are two varieties that have different leaves. Philodendron sodiroi has a smooth, shiny leaf while Philodendron mamei has a hairy leaf. It is also wider than Philodendron mamei. It is a dark green color, while Mamei can be either green or light green.


These plants are different varieties that have different care needs. Philodendron sodiroi is a low-maintenance plant that does not require much care, while the Philodendron mamei requires more water and humidity to thrive.

Sodiroi Philodendron can be grown in any type of soil, while mamei prefers moist, well-drained soil. The former plant does not tolerate direct sunlight, while the latter one can tolerate some direct sunlight.

Sodiroi variety blooms once a year, while the mamei variety blooms reliably every year. However, it is important to make sure you are comparing the right plants as many people also get confused between Philodendron Plowmanii vs Mamei.


They are both tropical plants, and they both require moist, humid conditions to thrive. They also both have a dark green color. Both plants grow 15 feet tall in their natural habitat, while their mature height is 3 feet when grown indoors.

Which One is Better For Me?

Philodendron sodiroi is a better choice for those who are looking for a low-maintenance plant. It does not require much care, and it can be grown in any type of soil.

Philodendron mamei is a good choice for those who want to have a fast-growing plant that blooms every year. It prefers moist, humid conditions and does not tolerate direct sunlight. It is also a better choice for those who have a lot of space, as it can grow up to 15 feet tall.

Final Thoughts

Both Philodendron sodiroi and Philodendron mamei are beautiful plants, but they have some key differences. Now that you know more about Philodendron Sodiroi vs Mamei, you can decide which one is right for you. Choose the plant that best fits your needs and enjoy watching it grow!

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