Philodendron Giganteum – #1 Growing Guide

Philodendron giganteum is a large and impressive Philodendron species that can reach heights of up to 5 feet in the wild. It is a popular choice for indoor plants because it is very easy to care for, and it adds a touch of elegance to any room.


Philodendron Giganteum is a species of philodendron that is native to the Atlantic forest biome of southeastern Brazil. It is usually found in rainforests at altitudes of up to 1000 m.

What Does Philodendron Giganteum Look Like?

It is an epiphytic climbing plant that can reach heights of up to five feet in the wild. The size of this plant in an indoor setting can be different than the size in its natural habitat due to changes in the growing conditions.

The leaves of this plant are large and glossy, with a growth pattern that is both fast and impressive, and it is known for its beautiful flowers, which are white with yellow centers.

Philodendron Giganteum Other Features  

Drought tolerance

This is very tolerant of drought conditions and can go without water for long periods of time. It will not lose its leaves or stop growing during the dry spells.

Air Purification 

It is an excellent plant for purifying the air in your home as it has been shown to remove harmful toxins from the air, and it will also help to improve the quality of the air in your home.

Low Maintenance

This is a low-maintenance plant that does not require a lot of care. It is very easy to care for, and it will thrive in most conditions.

If you are looking for a beautiful and easy-to-care-for plant, this houseplant can be a perfect choice!


It is a deciduous plant, meaning that it will lose its leaves during the winter months. This is normal, and the plant will begin to grow new leaves in the spring.

Philodendron Giganteum Care 

Philodendron giganteum is a beautiful and easy-to-care-for plant that makes a great addition to any home! This plant prefers bright, indirect light and should be watered when the soil is dry to the touch, and it should be fertilized every two weeks during the growing season. This houseplant does not require pruning and can be enjoyed as is!

Quick Guide  

SoilWell-draining, peat-based potting mix.
LightBright, indirect light.
WaterWhen the soil is dry to the touch.
HumidityAbove 60%.
TemperatureBetween 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
FertilizerEvery two weeks during the growing season.
PruningDoes not require regular pruning.

Soil Requirement 

Philodendron giganteum prefers a well-draining, peat-based potting mix. The ideal potting mix will contain equal parts peat Moss, perlite, and vermiculite.

Appropriate Pot Size and Type

It can be grown in a number of different pot sizes and types. The most important thing to consider is that the pot has drainage holes as this houseplant will not tolerate sitting in water, and the roots will rot if they are allowed to sit in water.

A plastic or terracotta pot with drainage holes is ideal, however, you can also grow this gorgeous plant in a hanging basket.

Light Requirements 

This philodendron prefers bright, indirect light. But how much light does a philodendron giganteum actually need? It needs 5 to 6 hours of bright sunlight.

It will tolerate low light conditions, but it will not grow as quickly as you might like. This plant will also lose its leaves if it is exposed to direct sunlight for extended periods of time.

The best place to grow is near a window that receives indirect sunlight. If you do not have access to indirect sunlight, you can use artificial lights to reciprocate the growing conditions.

Water Requirements 

Philodendron giganteum should be watered when the soil is dry to the touch. It is very tolerant of drought conditions, and it will not lose its leaves or stop growing if it does not receive enough water for a while.

For optimum growth, water the plant with room-temperature water.

Temperature Requirements 

Philodendron giganteum prefers a temperature between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit but can tolerate a lower temperature. However, it may lose leaves if the temperature drops below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. This philodendron can also tolerate higher temperatures, but it may stop growing if the temperature rises above 80 degrees Fahrenheit.


This tropical philodendron prefers a humidity level of above 60% but will tolerate lower humidity levels. However, it may lose its leaves if the humidity drops below the required level. It can also tolerate higher humidity levels, but it may stop growing if the humidity rises above 80%.


You should fertilize your plant every two weeks during the growing season. However, it does not need to be fertilized during the winter months. A balanced, all-purpose fertilizer is a good choice for full growth.


Giganteum philodendron does not require pruning just like other plants from the philodendron genus such as Philodendron golden crocodile. It can be pruned if desired, but it is not necessary as it will not become overgrown or leggy if it is not pruned.

How to Repot Philodendron giganteum?

It is best to repot every two years, and it can be repotted at any time of year. However, the best time to repot is in the spring, before the growing season begins.

When repotting, choose a pot that is only one size larger than the current pot as it does not need a large pot to thrive. A pot that is too large will cause the roots to rot.

To repot your plant, follow these steps: 

  1. Gently remove your plant from its current pot.
  2. Place the plant in the new pot.
  3. Fill the pot with the appropriate potting mix.
  4. Water the plant thoroughly.

It is also an easy-to-propagate plant if you follow the right guidelines on how to propagate philodendron giganteum.

Common Problems and Their Solutions 

Philodendron giganteum is generally a trouble-free plant. However, there are a few problems that it can experience. These problems include:

Brown Leaves

Giganteum philodendron leaves can turn brown if the plant is not getting enough water. Make sure to water your plant regularly and evenly. Water once the topsoil is dry to the touch.

Yellow Leaves

Philodendron giganteum leaves can turn yellow if the plant is getting too much water. Make sure to only water once the potting mix has dried out somewhat. Do not allow the potting mix to remain soggy for extended periods of time.

Stunted Growth

Its growth can be stunted if the plant is not getting enough light so make sure to place the plant in a location where it will receive bright, indirect light.

Diseases and Pests 

This philodendron specie is generally resistant to diseases and pests. However, there are a few diseases and pests that this philodendron can experience. These diseases and pests include:

Fungal Diseases

Philodendron giganteum can be susceptible to fungal diseases such as powdery mildew and root rot. These diseases can be prevented with good air circulation and a well-drained potting mix.


This plant can be susceptible to pests such as aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites. These pests can be controlled with the use of insecticidal soap or neem oil.

FAQs about Philodendron Giganteum

Is philodendron giganteum rare?

Yes, Philodendron giganteum is a rare plant that is native to Colombia and South America.

Is philodendron giganteum fast growing?

Yes, it is a fast-growing plant that can reach up to 3 feet in height.

Is Philodendron giganteum poisonous?

Philodendron giganteum is considered to be toxic to humans and animals if ingested. It can also cause skin irritation if it comes into contact with the skin. Thus, should be kept away from children and pets.

Does philodendron giganteum climb?

Yes, Philodendron giganteum is a climbing plant that can reach up to 5 feet in length. It should be provided with support such as a trellis or totem pole, but you can also train it to grow on a moss pole.


Philodendron giganteum is a beautiful Philodendron species that is well worth growing. It is easy to care for and will thrive in most conditions. With its large leaves and impressive size, it is sure to make a statement in any indoor space. If you are looking for a Philodendron that is both easy to care for and eye-catching, this is the plant for you.

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