Philodendron plowmanii vs mamei is a debate that has been going on for years. Some people swear by Philodendron plowmanii, while others prefer the latter. So, which one is better? We will compare the two plants and see which one comes out on top!
Philodendron Plowmanii
Philodendron plowmanii is a tropical plant that is native to Colombia. The plant has large, glossy leaves that are dark green in color. The leaves are heart-shaped and have pointy tips. The plant typically grows to be about 4-5 feet tall. It is a low-maintenance plant that does not require a lot of care.
The plant prefers to grow in humid environments and does not tolerate dry conditions well. When grown indoors, the plant should be placed in a location that receives indirect sunlight. It is an attractive plant that can add beauty to any home or office.
Philodendron Mamei
Philodendron mamei is a beautiful tropical plant that is native to Colombia. It has glossy, deep green leaves that are shaped like hearts. The leaves are usually about 6 inches long and 4 inches wide. The stems of this plant are thin and wiry, and they can grow up to 3 feet long.
The plant produces small, white flowers that have a pleasant fragrance. It is a popular houseplant because it is easy to care for and it is very tolerant of low light conditions.
Philodendron Plowmanii and Philodendron Mamei Comparison
There is quite a bit of difference between Plowmanii and Philodendron mamei. For one, Philodendron plowmanii is a larger plant, typically reaching heights of 4 to 5 feet tall, whereas mamei remains much smaller in size, typically only growing to be about 3 feet tall.
Additionally, the leaves of Plowmanii are also considerably larger than those of Mamei, often measuring up to 12 inches in length. Lastly, the veins on the leaves of the Plowmanii variety are considerably more pronounced than those on the Mamei variety.
When it comes to caring, both varieties are quite different. Plowmanii Philodendron is a low-maintenance plant that does not require a lot of care. The plant prefers to grow in humid environments and does not tolerate dry conditions well. When grown indoors, the plant should be placed in a location that receives indirect sunlight. It is an attractive plant that can add beauty to any home or office.
Philodendron mamei, on the other hand, is a high-maintenance plant that requires regular watering and fertilizing. The plant prefers to grow in moist, well-drained soil and should be given plenty of indirect sunlight. It is not as tolerant to low light conditions as the other variety.
Despite the many differences when it comes to Philodendron plowmanii vs Mamei, there are some similarities between the two plants. Both Philos are tropical plants that are native to Colombia. Additionally, both plants have glossy leaves that are dark green in color. Lastly, both varieties produce small, white flowers that have a pleasant fragrance.
Which One Comes Out on Top?
Philodendron plowmanii has larger, more pronounced leaves with deep green coloring. It also has a taller height, reaching up to five feet tall. Philodendron mamei is smaller in size, typically only growing to be about three feet tall. Its leaves are glossier and have a heart-shaped appearance.
Philodendron mamei does better in moist soils and indirect sunlight. Philodendron plowmanii does well in humid environments and indirect sunlight. In our opinion,
Philodendron plowmanii is the better choice for a Philodendron plant. It is larger in size, has more pronounced veins on its leaves, and is easier to care for.
Final Thoughts
These two plants are very similar, but there are some key differences. Philodendron plowmanii has wider leaves with a more pointed apex, while Philodendron mamei has narrower leaves with a more rounded apex. Philodendron plowmanii is also a taller plant, while Philodendron mamei is shorter.
Overall, both plants are great additions to any home, but we would recommend Philodendron plowmanii if you are looking for a taller plant with wider leaves. Philodendron mamei is a great option if you are looking for a shorter plant with narrower leaves. Whichever plant you choose, you can’t go wrong!